Kittamaqundi Community Church

Kittamaqundi Community Church

Kittamaqundi Community Church is located in Columbia, MD. KC, as we fondly call it, was envisioned and founded by a group of people who had been attending The Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC. After much discussion and prayer, they heard the call of God in their lives and decided to form their own "coffee house" church in the new town of Columbia, Maryland. Since its beginning, Kittamaqundi Community Church has welcomed all people who come together for worship, meetings or other events. We have deep and diverse roots. Over the past 50 years, we have had members who grew up Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Jewish, Unitarian, Mennonite, Buddhist and just about everything else. We appreciate the gifts of these traditions that have shaped us and made us the community of faith we are today. We don't have all the answers, and we aren't afraid to ask questions. In a world full of challenges, we support and encourage each other. We come as we are, whoever we are and however we got here. And we laugh a lot! Especially at ourselves! KC has a unique worship style. Services are planned by members of the community who volunteer for one month to work with the Enabling Minister to plan and facilitate worship services during that month. The Worship Task Groups, as we call them, are a wonderful experience and brings out the creativity, unique talents and spirituality of those planning the services. Worship Task Group Members write many aspects of the service and offer these welcomes, prayers, sharings, offerings and sending forth during each service. As an outreach mission, we offer our materials for use by other faith communities who are looking for inclusive, inter-faith materials for their worship services. You can read more about us at

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