1. Stay Connected
    By: Trinity UCC Music Team

    CMP is thrilled to have Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Musical Director Bryan Johnson, and songwriter Kevon Carter at the heart of our attempts to bring new music to congregations!  We'll soon be featuring some interviews with Rev. Moss and the music team of Trinity and look forward to their insights on how to use music in the context of transforming and vital worship.

    This "Stay Connected" piece based on Jesus' words in John 15 is just the first of what will be many original songs from Trinity's Kevon Carter.  Piano arrangements and lead sheets will be coming soon!


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  2. Tear Down The Walls
    By: The Many

    Tear Down the Walls is part protest song, part lament and and part personal confession. It gives voice to our laments and our anger at the real world walls that divide us while at the same time allowing us to sing our confession for the walls we build between ourselves and others. The last line of the song is a prayer for our churches, our nation, and our personal relationships. “Tear down the walls … so I can see you… So you can see me, too.” Learn More

  3. The Kingdom Of The Lord Is Here
    By: Brian Schroeder

    A worship song that communicates the Kingdom of God as Jesus explains it: unfolding right in front of us and pointing toward justice. CCLI #7236611 Learn More

  4. The Song Is Alive
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken’s new CHORAL OFFERING uses unique imagery to capture the opportunity that we have to point others to God. When we light the lights, till the soil, and raise the signs that point to home, we keep the Song alive for us all. This easily accessible and multi-purpose anthem, with words and music by Ken Medema and choral arrangement by Ken Medema and Cathy Chamblee, features a flowing piano accompaniment and logical S.A.T.B. voicings that your choir can readily learn. No matter how you use it in your worship service, this anthem will quickly become a choir and a congregational favorite! The mp3 recording of this piece is from an April 2022 performance by the Mercer Singers of Mercer University, Stanley Roberts, director. Learn More

  5. The Whole World Is Waiting
    By: The Many
    By: Kate Hurley

    From the first line, “The whole world is waiting, the whole world cries…” to the last, this new song for Advent gives us a way to sing about the realities we are living at this moment. It gives us a song to sing honestly in these days of devastating war, climate crises, political upheaval, hatred, exclusion and division. It gives us a way to cry out to God and look for hope. Originally written by Kate Hurley several years ago, Kate and The Many’s lyricist, Lenora Rand, got together recently and created a new version of the lyrics. When word of their work began to spread, our new friends, Flamy Grant, and Ben Grace of The Calendar Days, soon joined The Many and Kate to create the powerful and moving new recording included here on the site. This is the song we need to be singing this Advent and Christmas season. A song that assures us there is a God that hears the “cries for justice and the longing to be free.” Who “heals and shows us what can be.” And it also reminds us that love can change things. A reminder we all desperately need to hear right now. One License # 265086 CCLI #7229442 Learn More

  6. This Is Our Path
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    A community song about commitment to the Jesus Way, honoring other paths for other folks, too. Resonates with 'This We Affirm"' affirmation #1: pluralism. Learn More

  7. This Is Us
    By: Christian McIvor

    A song of solidarity with the oppressed and excluded that celebrates commitment and full inclusion in the community of faith. Verses were written to be sung by a soloist and then the congregation sings the chorus together. Useful in many different liturgical contexts. Learn More

  8. Those Who Dream
    By: The Many

    A brand new song released for Advent 2020! No artists are helping individuals and faith communities these days to both lament and hold on to the hope for Divine Transformation more effectively than The Many. This song helps to name the pain and longing that so many are experiencing at this point in history, but it also invites us to dream new dreams and reminds us that God uses those who dream to change the world. Learn More

  9. Together In This
    By: David Lunsford

    A moving song about sharing each other's burdens and loving and accepting each other as we are.  Beautiful production and artistry.  David Lunsford and the musicians at Eastlake Community Church in Washington state are creating some amazingly beautiful music that should be on the radio, but their lyrics are a bit too progressive and real for most CCM radio formats.

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  10. Tree Song
    By: Ken Medema

    In this classic song, Ken Medema sets the lessons from Psalm 1 as conversations with four different trees. Each tree flourishes in its own environment and gives back to its surroundings because it relies on God for its sustenance. The song encourages us to follow this same path so that we may be the "strong young trees" that our Maker created us to be. The song's lovely melody is easy for congregations to learn. Learn More
