1. Lead Kindly Light
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken Medema weaves together the prayerful text of the hymn "Lead, Kindly Light" with earnest questions about whether our devotion remains steadfast despite our circumstances. We cannot know what's ahead of us, but we can pray that God directs our path, one step at a time. Congregations will enjoy this new take on a traditional hymn. Learn More

  2. Love>Fear
    By: The Many

    This is a brand new song from the worship band, "The Many." It reminds us of a simple but powerfully transforming and urgently needed truth--Love is greater than fear. In this pandemic world of so much uncertainty, division, and obvious reasons to be fearful, this is a truth we need to embrace more deeply than ever. Learn More

  3. Lovely Needy People
    By: The Many

    Another beautiful song from The Many that is a soulful prayer for mercy and solidarity with those who are most vulnerable--and for the most vulnerable aspects of us all. Learn More

  4. On The Edge Of Tomorrow
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken Medema encourages us to be thankful for the adventure ahead of us, the tough pathways behind us, and the opportunity to serve others beyond the church walls, guided all the way by God's Spirit. In the middle of this lively song, Ken gives us a new text to the well-known hymn tune, Wye Valley. The new text is a prayer for God's Spirit to guide the "living out" of our faith each day, knowing that the testament of our lives proves God's grace. This piece can be accompanied by piano alone but can also have guitar, synthesizer, drums, and organ added. It is suitable for topics related to our witness in the world and the way in which God's Spirit guides our steps. The hymn inserted in this song can be performed as a separate congregational hymn and is entitled, "Holy Spirit, Guide Us" (separate catalog item). Learn More

  5. Peace Eternal
    By: Tracy Howe

    From singer/songwriter Tracy Howe: "This song reminds us the peace, hope, and love we are longing for to move in our world is also inside of us." Learn More

  6. This Is The Hope
    By: Ken Medema

    This song urges us to hold onto the hope for peace on our troubled world. We need again and again to sing our dream of the "not yet" as we face the "what is." Learn More

  7. Those Who Dream
    By: The Many

    A brand new song released for Advent 2020! No artists are helping individuals and faith communities these days to both lament and hold on to the hope for Divine Transformation more effectively than The Many. This song helps to name the pain and longing that so many are experiencing at this point in history, but it also invites us to dream new dreams and reminds us that God uses those who dream to change the world. Learn More

  8. We Are Enough
    By: The Many

    Lots of folks are talking these days about an epidemic of not-enoughness. All of us are daily bombarded with the message that we aren’t enough. And this belief, that we are not enough, often leads us directly to the notion that there is not enough to go around. It seems like much that is wrong in our world — hatred, greed, exclusion, violence, climate devastation — is related to these widespread feelings of inadequacy and scarcity. So The Many’s songwriters, lyricist, Lenora Rand and music writer, Hannah Rand, have written a song that we can all sing (maybe on a daily basis...) and that we hope will be helpful. The chorus is a simple affirmation: You are enough. I am enough. Breathe in the love. We are enough! CCLI Song #7218151 Learn More

  9. We Remember Her
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    “We Remember Her” is a song celebrating the so-called "woman with the alabaster jar" in Mark 14:3-9, Matthew 26:6-13, Luke 7:36-50 and John 12:1-3. In singing, we honor this nameless disciple and her courageous act of kindness that was so important to the gospel writers. The story of the "woman with the alabaster jar" is told with varying details in all four gospels. A few days before Jesus' death, into a room full of men she came and anointed Jesus with expensive ointment. In Mark and Matthew's accounts, the scene has Jesus recognizing the woman as one of the most important in his ministry. "Wherever the gospel is proclaimed in all the world, what this woman has done will be told in remembrance of her." The moment happened early in holy week, and according to the gospels, Jesus wouldn't have bathed before he was arrested. Could it be the aroma of the perfume was with him on Friday? Could it be that the scent, so tenderly offered to Jesus, sustained him with hope as he was dying on the cross? Learn More

  10. You Are a Light On My Path
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    An upbeat community song for Psalm 119:105-12. Fun to sing, easy to teach. The psalmist sings of the joy and confidence in God among times of real struggle. Clap along! Learn More
