1. Help Us To Hear
    By: Bryan Sirchio

    This song was written specifically with church youth campers in mind and as part of a package of songs that go along with the Scripture texts and themes for Chalice Press's 2017 "Branching Out" curriculum. But it works in lot of other contexts as well. Easy to play, easy to sing, and a simple prayer to be able to hear the voice and leading of the Divine. Learn More

  2. How Jesus Treated Women (Change The Rules)
    By: Bryan Sirchio

    A very simple, straightforward, easy to play song written with kids and youth camps in mind about the way Jesus treated women.

    Intrigued?  Give it a listen!  This is a lyric I want kids to grow up singing and learning by heart...  It was inspired by the account of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery in John 8. 

    By the way, where was the man?   :)

    This is one of 10 songs I (Bryan Sirchio) wrote recently to go along with the new "Branching Out" camp curriculum put out by the Disciples of Christ for the 2017 summer season.

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  3. Dream God's Dream
    By: Bryan Sirchio

    This song was originally written as a theme song for a retreat that took place during the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend and that focused on the life and witness of Dr. King.  It underscores the fact that Dr. King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech was rooted in his understanding of the Dream of God.  In addition to working well in the context of worship and in several different liturgical moments in worship services, this song is also often used as a theme for church renewal programs, stewardship campaigns, and as music for videos dealing with issues such as hunger, racism, compassion for the poor, and social justice in a broad sense.

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  4. More Than Welcome Here
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    Many congregations consider themselves to be "welcoming," and that's fantastic.  But it's time to be MORE than just welcoming.  This song goes beyond welcome to the call for joyful and full participation in the community of faith. 

    "More Than Welcome Here" was inspired in part by a quote that Bryan Sirchio saw tweeted...something like "Welcome is being included.  Belonging is being missed when you're not there." 

    Note:  This song is available exclusively here on the CMP site!

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