1. Forgive Us
    By: The Many

    From Gary Rand of "The Many..." "Forgive Us is a song of lament and confession. It’s a song to sing when the words don’t come; when our efforts to help, or do right, or even pray seem to come up empty. The songs says, “we don’t know how to pray here, stay here. All we hope is that you’re here.” It’s a song that resonates with Romans 8:26-27, where Paul speaks of the Spirit interceding for us when we don’t have the words." Learn More

  2. Forsaken
    By: The Many

    Another gorgeous and soulful song of lament and longing by the Many. The lyrics were written by The Many's primary lyricist Lenora Rand, and the music by Lenora's husband Gary and daughter Hannah. This amazing family of co-writers and artists is blessing CMP and the Church with some of the best new worship music to be found. Taking it's cue from Jesus' cry on the cross from Psalm 22, this song taps into our experience of God's seeming absence in times of great struggle and pain, yet leans toward hope and faith and healing. Perfect for Lent and Holy week of course, but these themes are with us always and this song should and will be used throughout the year to help us express these deep and real longings of the human spirit for God to break in and break through. Learn More

  3. Gathering Hymn
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken Medema takes the familiar Ebenezer hymn tune and sets his original lyrics as a call to worship for many kinds of believers--those who are joyful, those who are broken, those without answers, and those who stand firm in faith. He reminds us that God asks us to gather in worship with our fears and our masks left at the door. Ken has created new music to lead us into each new verse. The hymn culminates in a prayer from the gathered for the journey ahead. This setting is highly suitable for congregational singing. Learn More

  4. Gloria
    By: Christopher Grundy

    A simple, swaying refrain that updates the traditional Gloria with fresh lyrics and a contemporary tune. Used in churches across the United States every week for years. One License #CGG2002 Learn More

  5. Glory In The Highest
    By: Jonathan Rundman

    A catchy blue-grass/country flavored song with a very accessible chorus and call and response verses.  Fun, celebratory, and easy to learn.  Nice feminine reference to the Divine in one of the verses!

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  6. God Bless The Poor
    By: Brian McLaren

    A beautiful song musically and lyrically that transcends genres. It could be a solo song, a choral anthem, or a song for congregational singing. Soulful, healing, and expansive... Brian McLaren's lyrics are always provocative, expansive, and soulful. Learn More

  7. God I Am Beaten Battered And Bruised
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken Medema captures the anguishing prayer of the servant who longs for God's justice in frustrating times and who trusts in God against despair and fear. The song concludes with a comforting reminder that we belong to God. This bluesy song is a setting of Psalm 56 and is best suited to be performed as a vocal solo with piano accompaniment. Look for these additional psalm settings in this series by Ken: "All My Life (Psalm 73)," "It's Good to Give Thanks (Psalm 92)," "We Will Raise Our Eyes (Psalm 121)." Learn More

  8. God of the Movements and Martyrs
    By: David LaMotte

    "God of the Movements and Martyrs" was written in honor of the 85th anniversary of the North Carolina Council of Churches. the Council was formed in 1935 to address racial injustice, and continues to work for peace, justice, equity, and inclusion. The hymn honors Christians who have been working for a better world for generations, because of their faith, and invites all of us to join in that sacred work. Learn More

  9. God of the Movements and Martyrs (Joe Newberry Version)
    By: Joe Newberry

    "God of the Movements and Martyrs" was written in honor of the 85th anniversary of the North Carolina Council of Churches. the Council was formed in 1935 to address racial injustice, and continues to work for peace, justice, equity, and inclusion. The hymn honors Christians who have been working for a better world for generations, because of their faith, and invites all of us to join in that sacred work. Note: There are several different versions of this song on the CMP site. Each version has it's own product page and related downloads available. It is the same song done in several different styles by several different artists. Learn More

  10. God of the Movements and Martyrs (The Many Version)
    By: The Many

    "God of the Movements and Martyrs" was written in honor of the 85th anniversary of the North Carolina Council of Churches. the Council was formed in 1935 to address racial injustice, and continues to work for peace, justice, equity, and inclusion. The hymn honors Christians who have been working for a better world for generations, because of their faith, and invites all of us to join in that sacred work. Note: There are several different versions of this song on the CMP site. Each version has it's own product page and related downloads available. It is the same song done in several different styles by several different artists. Learn More
