1. May There Be Peace
    By: Brian McLaren

    From Brian McLaren:  "I've spent quite a bit of time in Africa over the last decade or so, and one of the beautiful words I picked up there was amahoro," an East African word for peace.  Some of my Native American friends taught me the beautiful words "elohe" and wolakota," and I wondered if I could weve these words into a song that congregations could sing as a benediction--a parting song of peace.  I integrated these words with an adaptation of the classic Hebrew blessing.  Someday, I'd love to hear a children's choir sing this song."

    From CMP: Brian McLaren was on a road Sabbatical for the first 8 months of 2016.  During this time away from the grind of constant travel and preparation for live events Brian wrote, rewrote, compiled, and recorded demos (not finished studio recordings) of 21 songs.  9 of these demos are currently available here on the CMP site, and we are in the process of creating lead sheets and piano arrangements for them.  If you would like to purchase this entire collection of Brian's demo's, lyrics, and some notes he wrote about each song (21 songs for $18), please email Bryan Sirchio, CMP Lead Designer, and he will send you a link you can use to purchase Brian's entire collection.

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