1. In The Valley
    By: Ken Medema

    "In the Valley" is a song to be sung after a mountaintop experience like a beautiful retreat or a week at a church camp, or in silence, or in nature, or in circumstances we face each day. It might well be sung before a sermon. Learn More

  2. God Bless The Poor
    By: Brian McLaren

    A beautiful song musically and lyrically that transcends genres. It could be a solo song, a choral anthem, or a song for congregational singing. Soulful, healing, and expansive... Brian McLaren's lyrics are always provocative, expansive, and soulful. Learn More

  3. Peter's Lament
    By: Jim Martin

    Especially powerful as a Good Friday/Passion Week solo. Pensive and soul-searching, with reflections of Psalm 22, Romans 7, and the Passion Story. Without using scapegoat theology, it looks at what our lack of faith does to God’s heart. Originally with soft guitar accompaniment, the new piano arrangement adds soulful versatility. Learn More

  4. This World Is Pregnant With God
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    Picture her sputtering in awe when you imagine Saint Angela of Foligno singing, "This world is pregnant with God." It's a powerful feminine metaphor for change. Sing it in Springtime, either Lent or Eastertide, on Earth Day, or any moment to remember humankind's interconnection with creation. The simple refrain deepens in meaning as the verses suggest dimensions of the metaphor: if creation is a pregnant witness of Christ incarnate in the world, then every living thing is kin (verses 1-2). For verse 3, I was thinking about the parable of the treasure in the field, and of my family's roots in farming. John 16, Mark 13, and Romans 8 refer to labor pain as a metaphor for the pain of transformation and renewal (verse 4). Teach the community the single-phrase refrain, and your music leader or choir sings the verses. Learn More

  5. Majesty And Power
    By: Brian McLaren

    Brian McLaren's gift for finding fresh language and images with which to refer to and praise the Divine comes through powerfully in this song. This is another song from the "Songs For A Revolution of Hope" collection that Brian released with the musical aid of Tracy Howe Wispelwey. Learn More

  6. Incarnate God
    By: Brian Schroeder

    This empowering song shows the incarnation not as God stooping down into a sinful world, but rather becoming one of us as an affirmation of our bodies and experience. Great for Advent and Epiphany. CCLI #7236608 Learn More

  7. God I Am Beaten Battered And Bruised
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken Medema captures the anguishing prayer of the servant who longs for God's justice in frustrating times and who trusts in God against despair and fear. The song concludes with a comforting reminder that we belong to God. This bluesy song is a setting of Psalm 56 and is best suited to be performed as a vocal solo with piano accompaniment. Look for these additional psalm settings in this series by Ken: "All My Life (Psalm 73)," "It's Good to Give Thanks (Psalm 92)," "We Will Raise Our Eyes (Psalm 121)." Learn More

  8. Love Is Not Always Comfortable
    By: Christian McIvor

    A short sung prayer asking for openness of heart and mind in preparation for difficult but necessary conversations concerning how to better love all of our neighbors. Note: The audio file is just the melody and guitar, and the video features a fuller production with vocal harmonies and trumpets all played and sang by Christian. Learn More

  9. A Dedication
    By: Lea Morris

    This simple chant by new CMP artist Lea Morris sings the intention to dedicate our lives, homes and all we do to bringing more joy, love and peace into this beautiful creation. Learn More

  10. Behold the Night
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    A meditation song for Winter Solstice appreciating the goodness of darkness. Learn More
