1. Branching Out Songbook
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    This "lread sheet" product is actaully a bundle of sheet music (lead sheet, chord chart, congregational melody line and songleader's guide) for all 14 songs in the "Branching Out: Neo Camp Songs" album by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan.

    These songs were written specifically to fit the summer 2017 Branching Out theme around John 15. The first seven songs align with the daily themes, the rest resonante with broader camp culture.

    These songs are licensed via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.

    The album of Branching Out recordings available here at CMP.

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  2. Come Down Spirit
    By: Ken Medema

    Using a contemporary rock style, Ken Medema fervently asks God's Spirit to redeem us, refine us, and revive us in powerful new ways. The building intensity of Ken's piano accompaniment focuses worshippers on the growing earnestness of the song's prayer. This musical invocation is suitable for congregational singing. Learn More

  3. Tree Song
    By: Ken Medema

    In this classic song, Ken Medema sets the lessons from Psalm 1 as conversations with four different trees. Each tree flourishes in its own environment and gives back to its surroundings because it relies on God for its sustenance. The song encourages us to follow this same path so that we may be the "strong young trees" that our Maker created us to be. The song's lovely melody is easy for congregations to learn. Learn More

  4. Love Listen To Your Children Praying
    By: Ken Medema

    This classic Ken Medema song is a plea for God's Spirit to fill those who earnestly lift up their burdens in prayer, expecting God to do great things. Its memorable congregational chorus returns between jubilant verses set with a lively syncopated piano accompaniment. This song is suitable for a variety of worship purposes. Learn More

  5. Turn It Over And Turn It Round
    By: Ken Medema

    This irresistible sing-along with a reggae feel invites congregants to echo Ken's chorus lyrics in this celebration of the chance we all have to do God's justice and mercy in this world. This kind of service only happens when "see all the world through a new humble heart." Learn More

  6. Lead Kindly Light
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken Medema weaves together the prayerful text of the hymn "Lead, Kindly Light" with earnest questions about whether our devotion remains steadfast despite our circumstances. We cannot know what's ahead of us, but we can pray that God directs our path, one step at a time. Congregations will enjoy this new take on a traditional hymn. Learn More

  7. With Every Breath
    By: Ken Medema

    "With Every Breath" offers us the chance to sing quiet praise to God at all times of the day and night. Learn More

  8. In This Place
    By: Ken Medema

    This song is a gentle message of welcome for all to join the community of believers striving to live the Gospel. Learn More

  9. When The Night Descends
    By: Ken Medema

    "When the Night Descends" is a quiet prayer to God to say that we will sing hallelujah in all circumstances and we will know that God is with us at all times. Learn More

  10. When Will The Chains
    By: Ken Medema

    "When Will the Chains" is an earnest plea to God to bring justice and peace to our world, looking forward to the day of jubilee. Learn More

  11. Blest Be The One
    By: Ken Medema

    This congregational hymn is a setting of Psalm 1 using contemporary language and an upbeat feel. Learn More

  12. We Pray For Peace
    By: Ken Medema

    "We Pray for Peace" is a prayer for peace on earth, hoping that love will come down like the rain and rivers of justice will flow freely Learn More

  13. Blessing of St. Clare
    By: Lacey Brown
    By: Poor Clare

    A very interesting combination of a contemporary sound with a very old benediction/blessing attributed to St. Clare. The lyric reminds us that "there is no fear in love." Learn More

  14. God of the Movements and Martyrs (Wil Smith SATB Version)
    By: Wil Smith

    "God of the Movements and Martyrs" was written in honor of the 85th anniversary of the North Carolina Council of Churches. the Council was formed in 1935 to address racial injustice, and continues to work for peace, justice, equity, and inclusion. The hymn honors Christians who have been working for a better world for generations, because of their faith, and invites all of us to join in that sacred work. Note: There are several different versions of this song on the CMP site. Each version has it's own product page and related downloads available. It is the same song done in several different styles by several different artists. Learn More

  15. If We Don't Have Love
    By: Fran McKendree

    Another great song written by Brian McLaren and arranged and performed by Fran McKendree and Ana Hernandez.  This is an infectious arrangement, easy to play on guitar, and the lyrics are based on the familiar 1 Cor. 13.  One of the great things about this song is that it can be used in lots of contexts--congregational worship, children's choirs, even as a camp song.  Warning--you won't be able to get it out of your heads!  

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  16. O God Of Life
    By: Brian Schroeder

    An upbeat worship song about how God delights in all of creation — even us! Based on the theology of St. Julian of Norwich. Great for the beginning of a worship service. CCLI #7236607 Learn More

  17. Remember When
    By: The Many

    Can we be honest? Sometimes we wonder where God is and what God does. When horrible things happen in our personal lives and in our world we may not always say it out loud, but we think it...where were you God? Why don't you do something about this? We cry out like the Psalmists did in Psalm 10 "Lord, why are you so far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?" Or lament like the writer of Psalm 42: "My tears have been my food day and night, as people constantly question me, 'Where’s your God now?'" This song is about that - remembering some of the recent events that have left us in tears, left us heartbroken and undone. Where was God when children are put in cages on the U.S. border? Where was God when Laquan McDonald was killed or Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor or George Floyd? Where was God when the child is sent to conversion therapy or when we lose thousands and thousands of people in a pandemic? The answers don't come easy in this song...but as we cry out and ask God, "Why didn't you send help?" we sometimes hear God's still, small voice saying, "I did. I sent you." This song is on The Many's 2019 album "Love Greater Than Fear" which is available on iTunes and Spotify. You can learn more about The Many at: https://www.themanyarehere.com CCLI#: 7140930 Learn More

  18. Bugs For Lunch!
    By: Bryan Sirchio

    One of Bryan Sirchio's most popular songs for children that helps kids learn some of the teachings of John the Baptist and yell "yuck! yuck! yuck!" Kid's LOVE this one! Learn More

  19. Longest Nights
    By: The Many

    We (Lenora & Hannah Rand) wrote this song soon after the 2014 police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, when cries of pain and anguish were rising up in that community and around the country, when words of hate and anger were burning hot, and when the racism and fear that has been quietly eating away at our country for a long time came out into the open. This song was born thinking about Jesus’ birth into “mud and blood and hay” and how long that night must have been for Mary and Joseph. We wrote it remembering God’s promise, repeated throughout the Bible, that God is on the side of the poor and oppressed, and that God is always, always where the hurting are. It’s both an Advent and Christmas song, and one especially appropriate for a Longest Night Service. Learn More
