As thousands of churches across the country continue forward in the somber season of Lent, we are reminded of the thick darkness that covers our land.
Now more than ever, our mission matters— raising up leaders, congregations, and individuals who are passionate about standing up for a just and generous expression of Christianity. The question still sounds from the mountain, “Whom shall I send?” and our answer is a resounding, “Send us!”
These are dangerous times. But they are also times of great opportunity. The Convergence Leadership Project is a powerful new initiative to develop and deploy spiritual activists, align and energize local churches, and organize regional and national networks who embody a just and generous Christian faith.
A study program for Christian leaders featuring in-depth introduction to key Jewish concepts and practices, exploration of classical and contemporary methods of Jewish study, engagement with outstanding Jewish and Christian teachers and leaders, and reflection on similarities and differences between Jewish and Christian religious life.