1. Light My Step
    By: Thomas Wayne Nichols and Daniel Gordon Chadburn

    A beautiful new piano based song that will work well as a congregational song or a choral anthem. The music and lyrics are a gentle and soulful reminder of God's presence and grace and how God leads us into healing and hope. The chorus is a prayer for God to "light my step" and to be open to the leading and guidance of the Spirit. Learn More

  2. Longest Nights
    By: The Many

    We (Lenora & Hannah Rand) wrote this song soon after the 2014 police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, when cries of pain and anguish were rising up in that community and around the country, when words of hate and anger were burning hot, and when the racism and fear that has been quietly eating away at our country for a long time came out into the open. This song was born thinking about Jesus’ birth into “mud and blood and hay” and how long that night must have been for Mary and Joseph. We wrote it remembering God’s promise, repeated throughout the Bible, that God is on the side of the poor and oppressed, and that God is always, always where the hurting are. It’s both an Advent and Christmas song, and one especially appropriate for a Longest Night Service. Learn More

  3. Love and Justice
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    • The lead sheet product includes lead sheet plus songleader's guide and congregational melody line. 
    • The lyric sheet product is a chord chart.

    This song is a reflection on Psalm 101, longing for wholeness on behalf of self, others, a nation, a world. Reconciliation is possible when there is a desire for integration, collection, weaving together of two things thought to be polarized or opposed. Singing this song may bring to mind the conflicts that are present and our longing for change.

    This song is licensed voa OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.

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  4. Love And Justice (McLaren)
    By: Brian McLaren

    Another of Brian McLaren's pieces from the "Songs For A Revolution Of Hope" project featuring the lead vocals of Tracy Howe Wispelwey. The verses name many of the ways in which this world is embroiled in unjust systems and structures and patterns, and the chorus is a prayer to the God of justice and love to help us do the work of bringing these things back into alignment with the Divine Intention. Learn More

  5. Love Listen To Your Children Praying
    By: Ken Medema

    This classic Ken Medema song is a plea for God's Spirit to fill those who earnestly lift up their burdens in prayer, expecting God to do great things. Its memorable congregational chorus returns between jubilant verses set with a lively syncopated piano accompaniment. This song is suitable for a variety of worship purposes. Learn More

  6. Majesty And Power
    By: Brian McLaren

    Brian McLaren's gift for finding fresh language and images with which to refer to and praise the Divine comes through powerfully in this song. This is another song from the "Songs For A Revolution of Hope" collection that Brian released with the musical aid of Tracy Howe Wispelwey. Learn More

  7. May There Be Peace
    By: Brian McLaren

    From Brian McLaren:  "I've spent quite a bit of time in Africa over the last decade or so, and one of the beautiful words I picked up there was amahoro," an East African word for peace.  Some of my Native American friends taught me the beautiful words "elohe" and wolakota," and I wondered if I could weve these words into a song that congregations could sing as a benediction--a parting song of peace.  I integrated these words with an adaptation of the classic Hebrew blessing.  Someday, I'd love to hear a children's choir sing this song."

    From CMP: Brian McLaren was on a road Sabbatical for the first 8 months of 2016.  During this time away from the grind of constant travel and preparation for live events Brian wrote, rewrote, compiled, and recorded demos (not finished studio recordings) of 21 songs.  9 of these demos are currently available here on the CMP site, and we are in the process of creating lead sheets and piano arrangements for them.  If you would like to purchase this entire collection of Brian's demo's, lyrics, and some notes he wrote about each song (21 songs for $18), please email Bryan Sirchio, CMP Lead Designer, and he will send you a link you can use to purchase Brian's entire collection.

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  8. Open My Heart
    By: Ana Hernandez

    A gentle and soulful prayer to be open and receptive.  A simple and repetitive lyric, close to a chant, with a hauntingly beautiful melody and a lovely descant.

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  9. Praying
    By: Brian McLaren

    From Brian McLaren:  "This was another older song that I rewrote during my sabbatical.  It attempts to take prayer out of its box, and let a more mature contemplative spirituality invade and enrich all of our lives, so that we truly "pray without ceasing."  I'm especially happy about the line, "Death is my life praying" (along with the reference to death in "Praise to the One") because I think we need to get more comfortable with the reality of death, to integrate it into our spiritual lives, and to stop reducing it to an enemy.  It is, like all profound things, both an enemy and a friend."


    From CMP: Brian McLaren was on a road Sabbatical for the first 8 months of 2016.  During this time away from the grind of constant travel and preparation for live events Brian wrote, rewrote, compiled, and recorded demos (not finished studio recordings) of 21 songs.  9 of these demos are currently available here on the CMP site, and we are in the process of creating lead sheets and piano arrangements for them.  If you would like to purchase this entire collection of Brian's demo's, lyrics, and some notes he wrote about each song (21 songs for $18), please email Bryan Sirchio, CMP Lead Designer, and he will send you a link you can use to purchase Brian's entire collection.

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  10. Remember Mercy
    By: The Many

    Another great new Advent Song by the worship band, "The Many." The text of this song is by Lenora Rand and is inspired by the Magnificat, Mary’s song in Luke 1. Gary Rand co-wrote the tune with legendary Gospel pianist and musical director, Elsa Harris. For many years, Elsa was the musical director for Jessy Dixon and plays piano on much of the recording work Jessy did with Paul Simon. Gary, Lenora, and Hannah Rand are the primary songwriters and arrangers of the music of The Many, and they have an entire Advent program put together which they make available through the organization they have founded called "The Plural Guild." Please contact them directly--the Plural Guild has a Facebook Page-- if you'd like to find out more about their Advent materials and the other fantastic music, albums, etc. they have to offer. Learn More
