1. Here in This Place
    By: Christopher Grundy

    Another beautiful, singable, earth-honoring chorus. Easy to play on guitar. This song works well for outdoor worship, church camp, or any time you want to connect with the sacred around you. The song also turns the idea that God is somehow "up" on its head, using imagery of the Spirit rising from the ground. The song works well as a gathering song, introit, call to worship, prayer, or as a congregational hymn. Written by Dr. Christopher Grundy, Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship at Eden Theological Seminary. One License #CGHiTP2002 Learn More

  2. God Will See Us Through
    By: Emma Ceurvels

    A brand new song from Emma Ceurvels and Bryan Sirchio. We're really excited about this one! A simple song of hope and encouragement that reminds us that God is with us and that God will always see us through times of heartache and challenge. This song will work in many different liturgical moments and will be a great source of comfort and hope and healing both to individuals and to groups of people. Learn More

  3. God of the Movements and Martyrs (Joe Newberry Version)
    By: Joe Newberry

    "God of the Movements and Martyrs" was written in honor of the 85th anniversary of the North Carolina Council of Churches. the Council was formed in 1935 to address racial injustice, and continues to work for peace, justice, equity, and inclusion. The hymn honors Christians who have been working for a better world for generations, because of their faith, and invites all of us to join in that sacred work. Note: There are several different versions of this song on the CMP site. Each version has it's own product page and related downloads available. It is the same song done in several different styles by several different artists. Learn More

  4. The Wine of Sweet Communion
    By: Ken Medema

    Another brand new Ken Medema song focusing on Holy Communion.  A beautiful invitation to the Table and to the Extravagant Welcome at the heart of the Gospel.  This one will also work well as a choral anthem in addition to a congregational song.

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  5. Praying
    By: Brian McLaren

    From Brian McLaren:  "This was another older song that I rewrote during my sabbatical.  It attempts to take prayer out of its box, and let a more mature contemplative spirituality invade and enrich all of our lives, so that we truly "pray without ceasing."  I'm especially happy about the line, "Death is my life praying" (along with the reference to death in "Praise to the One") because I think we need to get more comfortable with the reality of death, to integrate it into our spiritual lives, and to stop reducing it to an enemy.  It is, like all profound things, both an enemy and a friend."


    From CMP: Brian McLaren was on a road Sabbatical for the first 8 months of 2016.  During this time away from the grind of constant travel and preparation for live events Brian wrote, rewrote, compiled, and recorded demos (not finished studio recordings) of 21 songs.  9 of these demos are currently available here on the CMP site, and we are in the process of creating lead sheets and piano arrangements for them.  If you would like to purchase this entire collection of Brian's demo's, lyrics, and some notes he wrote about each song (21 songs for $18), please email Bryan Sirchio, CMP Lead Designer, and he will send you a link you can use to purchase Brian's entire collection.

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