1. Ten Commandments Song
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    A catchy, open-hearted sing-along paraphrase sing-along of the Decalogue. This is particularly useful for children, youth and families. Learn More

  2. Tear Down The Walls
    By: The Many

    Tear Down the Walls is part protest song, part lament and and part personal confession. It gives voice to our laments and our anger at the real world walls that divide us while at the same time allowing us to sing our confession for the walls we build between ourselves and others. The last line of the song is a prayer for our churches, our nation, and our personal relationships. “Tear down the walls … so I can see you… So you can see me, too.” Learn More

  3. Teach Us What It Means to Pray
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    A song exploring the mystery of prayer- prayer beyond words. Learn More

  4. Teach Me To Stop And Listen
    By: Ken Medema

    When the world diverts our attention from the important to what seems to be urgent, we can feel frazzled. We have a weakened capacity to reach out to others because we are depleted. But if we choose instead to listen to God, we become centered, renewed, and able once more to minister to the world around us. This lovely meditative song is suitable for congregational singing. Learn More

  5. Taste And See
    By: Rob Leveridge

    A wonderful new song based on the "Taste and See" text from Psalm 34.  This is widely used as an invitation to the Table and a song to sing during Holy Communion.

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  6. Take Us Home by Another Way
    By: Christopher Grundy

    This a cappella song of resistance combines Epiphany themes of the magi avoiding Herod and going home by another way, alongside images from the song of Mary about the powerful being thrown down and the hungry being filled. An easy, catchy refrain with a Celtic feel is easy for groups to learn. The verses can be sung by a soloist or the group. Learn More

  7. Table of Love
    By: Andra Moran

    Singing the grace and generosity of Holy Communion. This song mixes longing with celebration and gratitude. Learn More

  8. Surrounded By Love
    By: Mark Miller

    This brand new song by gifted composer and musicologist Mark Miller was written just before Mark underwent surgery to remove a tumor on his brain.  He was told that the surgery could wind up leaving him deaf, especially in one ear--no small matter for anyone--but especially huge for one who is called to teach and create and perform music.  Thankfully, the surgery went well, the tumor was benign, and Mark hears perfectly.  And we all received the gift of this beautiful song in and through the process!  This one will minister deeply to anyone facing uncertainty and risk and who needs to be reminded that God and the community of faith will always "surround us with love."

    If and when Mark does a more produced version of this song in the studio we will make that available, but for now this simple demo is the only recording of this brand new song that exists.  Thanks so much for sharing it with us Mark, and we have a feeling this song is going to be widely used!

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  9. Surrender
    By: Sherry Cothran

    Sherry Cothran is an ordained United Methodist Pastor and singer/songwriter who enjoyed critical success a while back with a band called The Envirudes.   This one's less for group singing and more just for reflection and inspiration.  Enjoy her beautiful vocals and the lovely imagery of her lyrics...

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  10. Sunday Sunday
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken Medema has created this easy-to-learn chorus that has singers jubilantly thinking about all the circumstances we carry as we gather together to worship God. Set with a gentle flowing piano accompaniment, Ken's lyrics have us celebrating this great gift we have of coming together as God's holy family. Learn More

  11. Stepping In
    By: Christopher Grundy

    This mid-tempo anthem-style song focuses on the river or prayer that is going on 24/7/365 around the world. It's great for World Communion Sunday, or Pentecost, or any time you want to invite people to step into worship. Verses can be sung by a soloist, with the congregation joining on the refrain. Suitable for a band or a single instrument. Rev. Dr. Christopher Grundy is Professor of Worship and Preaching and Dean of the Chapel at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis. He's also an exceptionally gifted singer/songwriter and liturgical musician. "Stepping In" is the title track of his collection of over 20 songs for worship. One License #CGSi2004 Learn More

  12. Stay Connected
    By: Trinity UCC Music Team

    CMP is thrilled to have Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Musical Director Bryan Johnson, and songwriter Kevon Carter at the heart of our attempts to bring new music to congregations!  We'll soon be featuring some interviews with Rev. Moss and the music team of Trinity and look forward to their insights on how to use music in the context of transforming and vital worship.

    This "Stay Connected" piece based on Jesus' words in John 15 is just the first of what will be many original songs from Trinity's Kevon Carter.  Piano arrangements and lead sheets will be coming soon!


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  13. Spirit Running
    By: Brian McLaren

    Brian McLaren is known widely for his many books and his signficant role as one of the pioneers and theological framers of the "Emerging Church" movement.  But music and songwriting in particular has also been a passion of Brian's for many years.  Brian took a travel sabbatical for the first part of 2016 during which he composed a number of new songs for worship.  Many of these new songs of his will soon be available primarily if not exclusively through CMP!

    No one is more humble and self-deprecating when it comes to his own playing and singing than Brian, so cut him some slack if his "Garage Band" demos aren't flawless.  We or others may redo some of these songs in a more studio polished format, but we want to begin sharing his new songs with the Church right away.  Few songwriters hit the lyrical heart and essence of what CMP is all about any more deeply and consistently than Brian.

    "Spirit Running" is a fun, joyful, upbeat song proclaiming the call to do justice and to care for and honor the earth.  Enjoy!

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  14. Spirit of Life
    By: Monty Jackson

    A new arrangement of a song that has become a standard in many Universalist Unitarian congregations. This three part harmony version adds new power and emotion to themes of justice, peace, and the natural world. Learn More

  15. Spirit Come
    By: Ken Medema

    This meditative song is a prayer to ask God's Spirit renew and refresh us once more, using the image of the way in which rain refreshes the earth. Learn More

  16. Speak Up
    By: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

    A song about about using your voice, taking a risk when the moment comes. There's a time to be quiet and a time to Speak Up! Consider the moment when you witness bullying, injustice, someone in need or a time to simply be honest about your situation. Resonates with Day 5 of the "Beyond Belief" Inside Out curriculum. Learn More

  17. Song Of The Refugee
    By: Ken Medema

    Ken’s NEW CHORAL OFFERING, “Song of the Refugee,” draws us into the lonely and often terrifying journey of the refugee in her strange new homeland. Threatened back in her native country, she knows no clear path forward for her life ahead. Who will welcome her here? Who will defend and befriend her? How will we as followers of Jesus respond? We hear the voice of the refugee sharing about her plight through Ken’s haunting melody and lyrics. This lovely and highly accessible S.A.T.B. anthem, accompanied by piano and optional cello, was arranged together with Cathy Chamblee and is ALSO available as a vocal solo with optional cello. Because it was arranged during the pandemic, a performance recording is not available for either the choral or the solo version, but you may become acquainted with this MUST-HAVE anthem through a free MIDI-generated recording of the choral version. This piece offers your choir or soloist the chance to be the voice of the refugee, challenging listeners about what it means to love the newcomer in their midst. Learn More

  18. Song of Lamentation
    By: Steve Schallert

    Steve Schallert lives in Hawaii and works often with Youth With a Mission.  He is a soulful and passionate songwriter and artist who writes beautiful songs of longing, lament, and the call for biblical justice.  This simple but powerful "Song of Lamentation" will touch the hearts of many and give us all a deeply needed way to sing our prayers for healing and wholeness.

    A common critique of "contemporary praise and worship music" is that it does not touch the brokenness of the world enough and that there are too many "happy clappy" songs and very few songs of lament.  Lament is a crucial step in response to the pain of the world and the processes of grieving, healing, and regrouping we all need both in our individual lives and in our communities of faith.  CMP is grateful and proud to have songs like this on our site and to point you toward the work of Steve Schallert.




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  19. Something Beautiful For God
    By: Bryan Sirchio

    This song is based on the life and teachings of Mother Teresa. When living with her order in Calcutta, India Mother Teresa would end each morning's time of worship by saying to her sisters, "Today let us do something beautiful for God." The song includes as many key teachings and insights that motivated Mother Teresa's work, such as "do something small where you are with what you've got." This song works great in congregational worship and can be done either with just piano or guitar or with a worship band. Learn More

  20. Sing For Peace
    By: Monty Jackson

    A rousing "Call and Response" about the active nature of peace-making, Sing for Peace is both fun to sing and stirring in its message. It challenges the congregation to join together to be the people who make peace and move from the hate of the world to harmony in the midst of difference. Sing for Peace is an effective way to get people singing at the beginning of worship, as a response to the Passing of the Peace, or to put a punctuation mark at the end of a sermon or service. Featured Soloist: Harold Aldridge Learn More

  21. She Who Is
    By: Tracy Howe

    From singer/songwriter Tracy Howe: "A song celebrating and cultivating intimacy with the Holy Spirit." Learn More

  22. Shalom
    By: Ken Medema

    "We will seek the shalom of the city. We will work with each other, hand in hand. We will build, we will plant, we will pray, we will dream. Come, Shalom, to our cities, to our land." Ken Medema creates a poignant musical setting for this cry for all believers to join together to seek shalom--true peace--for our time. In these days when the world around us feels fractured and irreparably hateful, and many of us feel disillusioned, this song calls us to do the work of God in the world around us with great hope, knowing that we are joined in a holy endeavor that will one day bring peace to the land. This song is suitable for solo performance of congregational singing and can be used to complement a variety of worship topics, including community building, missions, outreach, hope, and faithful service. Learn More

  23. Seek Justice
    By: Brian McLaren

    This song was co-written by Brian McLaren and Tracy Howe Wispelwey and is based on the well known text of Micah 6:8. This would be a fun song for church bands to work with. A beautiful transition between verses that could be solo and an uplifting and accessible chorus for the congregation. Learn More

  24. Sean Felices (That All Have Happiness)
    By: Tracy Howe Wispelwey

    This song is in Spanish, is arranged for choirs, and is part of an "Oscar Romero Cantata" written by Tracy Howe Wispelwey. The Cantata is based on the homilies of Arch Bishop Romero who was assassinated in El Salvador in 1980 for speaking out against human rights violations and particularly defending the most vulnerable among the poorest of the poor. According to the composer, "this is a song repenting of materialism and recognizing God's will and blessing on all God's people." This could be a powerful choral anthem, and an entire service could easily be built around the themes in the lyrics. See the translation to understand the lyrics in English. Learn More

  25. Round The Table
    By: Dakota Road
    By: Hans Peterson
    By: Larry Olson

    A beautiful acoustic guitar driven invitation to the Communion Table by "Dakota Road" (Larry Olson and Hans Peterson). Easy to play and sing and teach to the congregation. Lots of great inclusive and healing themes throughout... Learn More
